Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweden Adventure Trip!

Okay, so I know it's been about a month since my last post, sorry! I had an amazing rest of travel break, and now as the semester winds down I am swamped with work. I had a 2 1/2 hour nap last night as I stayed up to 4am to finish my portfolio for my CMC Practicum class. And I have two more papers due next week which will mean that next Sunday will be a repeat all- nighter, yaayy!!! FML :-D

Anyway, this weekend I went rock climbing and canoeing in Sweden! It was absolutely amazing and a wonderful trip. We went to Kullenborg, a tiny town kind of in the middle of nowhere in Sweden but it was absolutely gorgeous. On our bus ride to go climbing, we passed this little town on the water with all these cute Swedish summer houses. I was really nervous to go rock climbing, seeing as though the last time I did the activity was for my best friend's birthday in elementary school...and that was on an indoor wall. So yeah..I wasn't too enthusiastic. But they had added rock climbing about a week before our trip, and since my biking skills are not up to par, and you can also bike anywhere, my classmate convinced me to try climbing. And I'm so glad I did! We went climbing on this magnificent cliff overlooking the ocean, in the distance you could see Copenhagen. The cliff was covered with green pasture and COWS! giant, hairy cows. I felt like I was in Ireland (though I've never been there, it looked like what I imagined the country to look like). So it was peaceful and beautiful. I was a little terrified at first going up the rocks, but everyone cheered each other on which created such a positive environment and really gave me the strength to keep going up! Although the next morning, and even today, I am still sore. My triceps and thighs were killing me the next day, since you literally have to pull yourself up onto the next rock ledge. But it was worth it! And I'm really glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new.

The next day I went canoeing down this river that went through the town of Angelhorm in Sweden. Such a cute town, with really pretty houses lining the river. It was more of a lazy river, but at times when the wind kicked in, we were canoeing in the opposite direction of the current, which made it a little difficult. We did 4 hours of canoeing, so I was excited to be done with it by the time we got to the end, but it was also beautiful, relaxing, and a lot of fun!

Next weekend I will be going sailing around the islands of Denmark, which should be fun. I only hope the weather was as picturesque as it was this past weekend!