Saturday, March 7, 2009

Quick Update

I don't have that much time to write, but I did want to give you guys a quick update on what's going on. First off, I have the flu, which is just wonderful. I went to the doctor yesterday, and there isn't much you can do except get lots of rest and drink lots of liquids, which is exactly what I did yesterday. I'm feeling a little better today, and we are going to the supermarket soon to pick up some chicken noodle soup, saltines, and hopefully ginger ale or seltzer. Then we are off to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, one of the largest museums in Denmark, so that should be fun. Some quick updates: lasts week I met with Ken Foxmen who is originally from Chicago, came here on DIS in the late '80s, fell in love with his host sister, and moved here for her after he graduated college. They were together for 5 years, it didn't work out, he decided to stay here because he had one more year in his masters, and eventually met his current wife who he has a 5 year-old daughter with, Lea :-). So I met with him and his students, who are going to NYC in April. The students are 15 and 16 years old, and they get extra English 2 hours a week. They had all sorts of questions for me: one asked about what I thought about Obama and what his presidency meant to me, needless to say that stirred up a lot emotion in me. It's funny, because almost every Dane I have met has asked me that question! Another girl asked me about 9/11 and how that changed NYC. More "fun" questions were about my favorite restaurant in NY (since they will be going there for 8 days), my favorite places to hang out in NYC, and if I've seen any celebrities. My words of wisdom for them: they had to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge to get a magnificent view of the Manhattan skyline, and they had to eat a meal in Chinatown. :-). Then this week I went to Christina's school to tutor Anders in English. Anders is the boy who lived in Singapore for 5 years because his dad is in the shipping industry, and moved back to Denmark about 2 years ago. He is now 10, so he lived in Singapore from the time he was 2/3 until he was 8, and while there he went to an international school, so his first language is English. His mother doesn't want him to loose his English skills (he absolutely fluent), so she pays me to converse in English with him. I picked out some stuff from (the Time magazine), so we read an article about Obama, answered some questions about it, and then did some worksheets and wordgames. Then I just conversed with him for a bit. In total, I spent about an hour with him, and it wasn't that bad. His mom said I did a great job and that I should be a teacher! :-) So she is paying me about 125DKK an hour (yeah their minimum wage here is the equivalent of 20 dollars), which is about 25 bucks, not bad since I can't have a real job while I am here! Anyway, that's about it for now, just wanted to give you a quick update. Having the flu sucks ass, but I slept a lot yesterday and I am feeling a bit better.

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