Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I think I've gotten over the I'm-studying-abroad high and am a little homesick. Which is fine. Greg is surprised I lasted this long, and my mom says its okay to feel sad. I've noticed that the little differences that at first where cute and cool ("oh that's funny, that's different here") are now quite annoying. Here are some examples:

1. My family doesn't believe in sauce. Nor do they know what it is. A couple of weeks ago we where having having frikadeller (Danish meatballs) with pasta, and there was no tomato sauce or meat sauce for the pasta. So I asked Michael if they had sauce. He looked at my like I had four heads. "Sauce? What's that?" me: "You know, what you put on pasta... vodka sauce, alfredo sauce...?" (they had to know what I was talking about because they make bolagnese(?) sauce, and they've made brown sauce too) Michael had no clue what I was talking about. So again, last night there was no sauce. The condiment options were the following: ketchup, roumelade, creme freiche (which the Danes put on EVERYTHING, the bottle says you can use it as dressing, a dip, and sauce, but thats a complete lie, it's kinda of like a sour cream), mango chutney salsa thing, and sweet chili sauce. Needless to say I had to eat my plasta plain. I wanted to scream. I should've gotten up and gotten some olive oil.

2. Bread. bread bread bread bread bread! I think that's all they eat here. I FINALLY had eggs this morning for breakfast and it felt soo goood to eat a non-carbohydrate.

3. They don't really snack here. Maybe my family doesn't keep snacks in the house because the kids will eat them in one setting. But still, it makes it difficult to find something to munch on when you're just a little hungry.

4. My family doesn't eat salad. Like, at all. I never thought I'd miss greens :(

5. Darkbread: take wheat bread, make it heavier and darker (kind of like pumpernickel), and you get darkbread, in abundance. It's everywhere, it's what they put their sandwhiches on for lunch, and after a while you get kind of sick of it.

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