Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So lesson learned: naming my last post Homesick sent a flood of emails from family members asking how I'm doing. Yes, I am fine. Yes, I did seem a little down in my last post, but honestly, everything is okay. I still love being here, though it is the little things that make it difficult some times. But when I walked into the kitchen yesterday, I did see a jar of tomato sauce that Christina bought :-), and the fridge had more greens and veggies :-)... so maybe the little food differences will go away :-)

Today, I don't have class and this afternoon I am going to my host siblings' school to meet with a teacher by the name of Ken. Ken is originally from Chicago, but I don't remember his reasons for moving here (probably for a Danish girl, as it seems almost every American that ends up in Denmark moved here for a Dane). Needless to say, when Ken found out that August and Kathrine had an American host student staying with them for four months he was eager to have me come to his class and talk to his students about America. Ken also does an afterschool program in which the kids get 2 extra hours of English lessons and then in the spring or early summertime they take a trip to NYC for 10 days. So of course I have to come and talk to them about NYC! So I'm very excited.

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