Sunday, January 18, 2009

Welcome to Copenhagen!

So I have finally arrived in Copenhagen, yaayy!!! That is to say, I arrived, jet-lagged and sleep deprived (I think I got about 40 mins of sleep on the plane...awesome). After being bussed to the University of Copenhagen and given a million packets, my host family picked me up around 12:30pm. First of all, they are super nice (which I already knew because we had been emailing back and forth). My room is on the first floor of their house (soo cute!) and it looks like its cut out from an IKEA magazine (my favorite!) My host sister Kathrine made me a "Welcome Leah" sign with flowers! I have a plasma screen tv in my room and beautiful fresh tulips :-). The room is a nice size and the bedd is comfy (I passed out and took a 2 hr nap). Did I mention I have wireless in my room? Yeah, they're pretty high tech :-). After taking a much-needed nap, I woke up to a homemade cake that my host sister and host mother made! Banana bread with chocolate icing (really nutella, yummm) in the shape of a heart! I gave them their gifts earlier, which I think they liked a lot (with lots of "oos" and "ahhs" they awkwardly thanked me with handshakes). I talked to my mother on skype and she got to meet my host family which was pretty cool. So far so good. I'm excited I chose a homestay. My family has already said that they have all these things they want to do with me AND each of the kid's teachers want me to come to their school and give a talk or something, haha. Christina (my host mother) has also invited me to come visit her school and work with the kids there, which is awesome, and they know a teacher that is originally from Chicago who really wants to meet me. I got the impression from my host dad that the teacher would like to take me under his wing (since I am a psych major with an interest in kids). So im excited for all the possiblities that await!


  1. yayayayayayayayayay!
    you're in europe!
    you're going to have SO much fun!
